Anna de Little is a registered art therapist. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts and Psychology (University of Tasmania) and a Masters of Art Therapy (La Trobe University, VIC)
Anna has over 8 years’ experience working with adults and youth, both individually and in groups. She has worked extensively with people experiencing mental illness and other challenging life circumstances. She has also run art therapy and personal development workshops for community organizations and businesses.
Anna provides a friendly, encouraging space where struggles and hopes are explored using art-making such as drawing, painting and sculpture. As a qualified yoga instructor Anna’s art therapy approach focuses on both mind and body, nurturing healthy connections to promote healing.
Anna is passionate that the people she works with experience exciting new forms of self-expression and gain valuable insights to inspire change.
"Making art taps into our creative force. This is not a talent bestowed on a lucky few, but the birth-rite of every human. When we are creative, life becomes more mysterious, the everyday becomes richer and our imaginations spark to life. We come to understand ourselves better and become inspired by what we find..."